Friday, September 15, 2006

Gaya Hidup Selepas Pencen

MEMBUAT anggaran berapa jumlah wang yang diperlukan untuk menikmati kehidupan persaraan yang tidak membebankan bukanlah perkara mudah. Namun, kita boleh melakukannya bersandarkan beberapa garis panduan.

Sebagai permulaan, bandingkan jumlah diperlukan dengan pendapatan atau gaji yang diperoleh sekarang.
Sebagai contoh, jumlah pencen bulanan pekerja sektor awam ialah 50 peratus daripada gaji akhir pekerja.
Maksudnya, sasaran pendapatan ketika bersara ialah setengah daripada gaji ketika bekerja. Kalau gaji kita RM3,000 sebulan, ketika pencen kelak akan mendapat pendapatan RM1,500 sebulan.

Cara ini membolehkan kita membuat perbandingan gaya hidup selepas bersara dengan gaya hidup sekarang.

Satu lagi cara, dengan mensasarkan jumlah diinginkan ketika bersara dan sebagai contohnya, sebanyak RM500 sebulan atau RM1,000 sebulan iaitu jumlah yang dianggarkan mencukupi berdasarkan gaya hidup kita.

Selepas sasaran ditetapkan, buat pula anggaran jangkaan hayat kita. Walaupun hal ini adalah ketentuan Tuhan, namun kita perlu juga merancang kerana jika umur panjang bagaimana hendak meneruskan kehidupan selepas ini.

Kita boleh menggunakan jangkaan hayat rakyat Malaysia sekarang ini iaitu antara 70 hingga 80 tahun. Ini bermakna kita mungkin hidup selama antara 15 hingga 25 tahun selepas mencapai umur 55 tahun.
Berdasarkan sasaran pendapatan bulanan dan jangkaan hayat, dapatlah kita mensasarkan jumlah wang yang diperlukan ketika bersara.

Apa pula faktor yang perlu diambil kira dalam menganggarkan perbelanjaan ketika sudah bersara. Ketika kita masih bekerja, perbelanjaan paling besar ialah membesarkan anak-anak, kos pendidikan mereka, bayaran ansuran rumah dan kereta.

Perbelanjaan ini mungkin tidak lagi perlu dikeluarkan selepas bersara, jika kita merancang kehidupan dengan rapi. Perbelanjaan lain seperti pakaian, pengangkutan dan pengangkutan dan makanan secara perbandingan adalah kecil.

Perbelanjaan yang paling besar selepas bersara ialah rawatan kesihatan kecuali jika kita sihat. Kemungkinan kita menghidap penyakit sama ada kritikal atau tidak sangat tinggi kerana usia kita yang semakin meningkat.

Source: Harian Metro

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Investment Strategies in Unit Trust

There are several strategies investors need to be aware of when investing in any Unit Trust; regardless of the company, regardless of the type of fund and regardless of the amount.

I was taught nine (there might be more) most important strategies of all.

1. Adopt a medium to long term investment plan
Investors need to be aware that this is a 3-5 (or 5-10) years investment plan.

2. Adopt a buying and selling at the right time
Investors need to know are they buying and selling at the right time

3. Adopt a regular investment plan
The reason behind this is to get the Average Cost per Unit as low as possible

4. Stick to the goal
Investors need to sit down with the consultant and set a manageable target i.e. 10% per annum

5. Don’t be too emotional
Put emotion aside. This is a medium to long term investment plan.

6. Monitoring is the consultant’s job
Investors need not to monitor their investment. It’s the consultant’s job

7. Know your objective
Investors need to know their investment objective. Retirement? Kids? Wealth accumulation?

8. Know your risk management
Investors need to know their risk management. Do they tolerate high risk? Do they tolerate medium risk?

9. Choose funds that are suitable to you
Islamic? Conventional? High risk? Medium risk?

It is unethical to guarantee returns to clients.

But what I can guarantee is that if any investor is following the nine strategies mentioned above, your money will work for you in Unit Trust.

Young people, make time works for you!

If you are young (18-25 years old), you can make time works for you.


1. Start saving now

Imagine the amount of money that you will accumulate at 65 years old when you start your saving at 25 years old. Compare that to a scenario where you start saving late; at 45 years old. Of course you will accumulate more if you start early.

2. Force your money to work for you now, not later

3. Venture into investment vehicle(s).

Make your money work for you at the age of 25. You will accumulate more money by time you are at 65.

4. Set monetary-goals when you are young

So that you will have ample time to make sure that the goals are achievable. When you have more time, you will be able to break the goals down to smaller goals and act to achieve it one at a time. Logic, right?

So, are you making time work for you?


Many people misunderstood that investing in unit trust, they might loose their money BUT “with the right strategy, anytime is a good time to invest”.


You must set your objectives and goals (10 – 15 % returns) to know when to exit.

Invest consistently and regularly to potentially reduce your cost per unit

Make sure that your consultant will give you the updates on your investment regularly.

Do not be emotional or greedy. Minimize your risk.

The Magic of Compound Interest

Start now ! The earlier you start, the lesser you need to save and you earn much more.



Dear Friends,

I am a Unit Trust Consultant and a committed individual, who is full of energy and excitement and have the ability to listen to people who are striving and thriving in being fully successful.
If you have money, any amount that you would like to invest. Our investment strategy and opportunities will make your money grow and work harder for u. Any amount is too small or too big...

Financial planning is the process of making advance provision for financial needs that will arise in the future, the objective is to ensure that the right amount of money is available in the right hands at the right point in the future to achieve the individual’s financial objectives. Financial planning is essential for:
1. the provision of family income in event of income providers illness or death
2. the accumulation, preservation & investment of wealth the survival of business from one generation to other
Financial planning needs vary from person to person & most people have several different needs at same time. The needs can be classified into 2 types:
A. Predictable Need
1. Fund for retirement
2. Repayment of loan
3. Children's higher education
4. Children's marriage
B. Unpredictable Need
1. Long term sickness & disability
2. Critical illness
3. Death
4. Unemployment
Financial planning needs persist throughout the whole of life & most people have at least one unsatisfied need. Most people need the help of a savings or investment program to achieve their financial objectives in life.
People who have no existing capital will need to accumulate it by saving from income, people who already own capital will need to invest it wisely to preserve & increase its value.
Having said to this, there are so many ways to accumulate wealth. For example; Mutual Fund Investment, Property Investment, Fixed Deposits, Business Investments and etc. The only thing we have to remember is we have to set goals and targets so that we can work in achieving the process of accumulating our wealth.

We might not have that much money to start investing in larger scale (property, fixed deposits or business) but do not let this be an excuse. By taking an interest in your future is a good start. By starting with a small amount of investment like I did, you are making sure that your future is bright.

There are several factors we will have to consider before accumulating our wealth.

1. Our goal(s)
Children education? Retirement fund? Education fund? Get an advice based on your goal(s).

2. Our timeframe
Short term? Medium term? Long term? For example in Mutual Fund Investment, it is all about medium to long term (3-5 years)

3. Type of Wealth Accumulation vehicle
There are so many out there. Get some advice.

4. Return of Investment (ROI)
The percentage of return. This coincides with our risk management. The higher the return, the higher the risks are. Take into account the Inflation Rate as well

5. Our Risk Management
Are we ready to face higher risk in order to get higher returns? Or are we staying on the safe side?

6. Are we discipline enough?
Are we discipline enough to continue accumulating our wealth?

7. Emotional Management
If we involve ourselves into the stock market, we have to control our emotion. So to other types of wealth accumulating vehicle

8. Diversify
Do not put all your eggs in one basket

9. Legality
Pyramid scheme? Get-rich-quick-scheme? Nigerian scheme?

10. Professional Advice
This is the most important factor. Seek professional advice before embarking on any “adventure”
I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself as an Authorized Unit Trust Consultant with Southern Bank Berhad (SBB Mutual Bhd).
As a part of a global financial services company we know what it is like to operate worldwide. I can offer the security & peace of mind that you need when you consider your financial future by providing you with the world class service you expect from a leader within the financial services industry.
I provide assistance for financial planning by doing free comprehensive financial planning analysis that provide your with an insight into your actual needs for you & your family's secure future.
The areas in which I can assist you in planning your financial future are: -
1. Saving for the future – Regular & Lump Sum Investments
2. Retirement Fund / Pension planning
3. Global Investments
4. Offshore Investments
The solutions are designed to suit your present financial circumstances & future financial needs, covering all aspects & priorities.
Kindly feel free to drop me a line at any time convenient to you & we can discuss this further on a one to one basis, on your priorities & how you can achieve your goals.
I look forward to meeting you, and to be able to do a formal presentation with no obligation on either side.
Thanking you & regards,
~Ira Hamzah~